music (note symbol)

showcase ♫

most recent release ♫


description : 13170
"Christ plays in ten thousand places, lovely in limbs"

the cover art for HOW TO GROW A FOURTH ARM , ascii art of an arm takes center stage , with the track title and bonus flavor text in the corners . behind the arm is a red background that has ascii art of angel wings and a heart

listen on soundcloud

buy on bandcamp

my history with music ♫

music has always been a pretty concrete part of my life. my parents would always play a mix of electronic dance music , pop , rock music , and as a kid , i'd love pretty much all of it . i think the first song i ever went out of my way to remember and listen to on my own was this fuckass remix of Meg & Dia's "Monster" . there were a few more musical phases i had , but things only really got interesting around 2019 . i had already been experimenting with making music for about a year at the point , i think i was like ten or eleven at the time . i used this shitty online DAW called soundtrap and release like a bunch of projects which are all now deleted ... thankfully ...

around 2020 , i had started to get more into experimental dubstep adjacent stuff , and also what people called the "hyperpop" scene . i think my biggest inspiration in 2020 was Eliminate . as the pandemic started , he began uploading videos abt making music in unique and creative ways , and his music was really really unique at the time , so i got inspired and downloaded the free trial of fl studio . which i used . for four years . i free trialed fl studio for four years . this only changed earlier this year . lmao

since then , i've just been getting really really ingrained into more and more music and have just been getting better at making it !!! i think my earlier 2021 - 2023 music was definitley pretty bad and ametuerish , but towards the end of 2023 i started finally making music that i'm proud of and im super happy with what i've been making this past year . this is probably known since i dont shut the fuck up abt it but im Incredibly inspired by Jane Remover's music as a whole , including all her albums , side projects , visual style , etc . hell , i wouldn't have realized i was a trans girl if it wasn't for Jane coming out in 2022 . a more in - depth look into music that had a large effect on my life can be seen in the next section :>

my visual creative process ☆

i use to make all of my visual art . given that most of my art is made via image manipulation , combining assets i've made from other assets , works perfectly for me. i use a variety of plugins but i've been getting a lot of use out of this jpeg effect plugin as of late . a favorite of mine is also the built in "quantize" effect in the color section , it's how i get all those sweet color compressed and dithered effects .

i find it hard to force myself to make art , and that's true for any medium . with visual art , i feel like it all has to come natrually . i never have an idea of what the ifnal image will look like in my head . i just put things down and add something in whenever i get a cool idea . the cover art for "HOW TO GROW A FOURTH" arm was orignally VERY different - being plain black & white and going for more of an "old early 2010s cd you found in some dingy alley" look . conistently though , i think backround image , color compression & pallete choice comes first , then comes text , then comes extra detail , like the ascii art . it's not always consistent though , i just try to make sure im doing something fun and eye catching .